
May 14, 2015

How to Use Garlic to Cure Coughs and Colds

Transition period season has come along with each passing start of the rainy season to dry season. At the time this is usually the body's immune decline. In addition, there is a typical disease that often strikes in this time. Such as coughs, colds, fever, and influenza.

In the body condition of developing this disease, the garlic is in the house can be enumerated as natural medicine. In the many spice contains essential nutrients to enhance antioxidant immune to various antivirus and antibiotic substances. The body was it helpful to the process of self healing. How to eat garlic there is some method. Quoted from the Times of India, here's how to apply:

Ingest raw garlic. His tips, cut garlic into small and then thrash after breakfast. Do not chew the pieces and eating like he was taking the drug. White bawnag nutrients will enhance Your immune system.

Fry the onion. Fry the garlic before consumed can be an alternative to get benefits. It feels even more delicious when chewed rather than raw way. Garlic also helps to improve digestive problems.

Applying oil onions. To get the garlic oil, heat oil Sesame until steamy and enter some garlic. When the onions are fused substances in sesame oil, wants. When coughs or colds, this oil can be dibalurkan on the chest and toes to speed healing. The herb is also good to relieve breathing.

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